We are his children,
the fruit of his suffering,
saved and redeemed by his blood;
called to be holy, a light to the nations:
clothed with his power,
filled with his love.

Go forth in his name,
proclaiming, โ€˜Jesus reigns!โ€™
Now is the time for the church to arise
and proclaim him
โ€˜Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer and Lordโ€™.

Countless the souls
that are stumbling in darkness;
why do we sleep in the light?
Jesus commands us to go make disciples,
this is our cause,
this is our fight.

Listen, the wind
of the Spirit is blowing,
the end of the age is so near;
powers in the earth and heavens are shaking,
Jesus our Lord
soon shall appear

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We Are His Children Christian Song Lyrics