Behold The Servant Christian Song Lyrics in English

Behold the servant of the Lord:
I wait Thy guiding eye to feel,
To hear and keep Thy every word,
To prove and do Thy perfect will;
Joyful from my own works to cease,
Glad to fulfil all righteousness.

Me if Thy grace vouchsafe to use,
Meanest of all Thy creatures, me.
The deed, the time, the manner choose:
Let all my fruit be found of Thee.
Let all my works in Thee be wrought,
By Thee to full perfection brought.

My every weak though good design
Oโ€™errule or change, as seems Thee meet:
Jesus, let all my work be Thine โ€“
Thy work, O Lord, is all complete,
And pleasing in Thy Fatherโ€™s sight;
Thou only hast done all things right.

Here then to Thee Thine own I leave;
Mould as Thou wilt Thy passive clay;
But let me all Thy stamp receive,
But let me all Thy words obey,
Serve with a single heart and eye,
And in Thy glory live and die

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Behold The Servant Christian Song Lyrics