Hope Tryaway Christian Song Lyrics in English

Hope Tryaway
My happy soul rejoices,
the sky is bright above;
Iโ€Ÿll join the heavenly voices
and sing redeeming love.

For thereโ€Ÿs power in Jesusโ€Ÿ blood,
power in Jesusโ€Ÿ blood,
thereโ€Ÿs power in Jesusโ€Ÿ blood
to wash me white as snow.

I heard the blessed story
of Him who died to save;
the love of Christ swept oโ€Ÿer me,
my all to Him I gave.

His gracious words of pardon
were music to my heart;
He took away my burden,
and bade my fears depart.

I plunge beneath this fountain,
that cleanseth white as snow;
it pours from Calvaryโ€Ÿs mountain,
with blessings in its flow.

Oh, crown Him King for ever,
my Saviour and my Friend!
By Zionโ€Ÿs crystal river
His praise shall never end.

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Hope Tryaway Christian Song Lyrics