Come With Me Christian Song Lyrics in English

Come with me, visit Calvary,
where our Redeemer died;
His blood, it fills the fountain,
„This full, „This deep, „This wide.
He died from sin to sever
our hearts and lives complete;
He saves and keeps for ever
those lying at His feet.

To the uttermost He saves,
to the uttermost He saves,
dare you now believe and His love
to the uttermost Jesus saves.

I will surrender fully,
and do His blessed will;
His blood doth make me holy,
His presence me doth fill.
He‟s saving, I‟m believing,
this blessing now I claim;
His Spirit I‟m receiving,
my heart is in a flame.

I‟ve wondrous peace through trusting,
a well of joy within;
this rest is everlasting,
each day I triumph win.
He gives me heavenly measure
pressed down and running o‟er,
oh, what a priceless treasure,
glory for evermore!

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Come With Me Christian Song Lyrics