The sands of time are sinking,
the dawn of heaven breaks;
the summer morn Iโ€™ve sighed for,
the fair sweet morn awakes;
dark, dark hath been the midnight,
but dayspring is at hand,
and glory, glory dwelleth
in Immanuelโ€™s land.

Oh, Christ, He is the fountain โ€“
the deep sweet well of love!
The streams on earth Iโ€™ve tasted,
more deep Iโ€™ll drink above;
there to an ocean fullness
His mercy doth expand,
and glory, glory dwelleth
in Immanuelโ€™s land.

With mercy and with judgement
my web of time He wove,
and aye the dews of sorrow
were lustred by His love;
Iโ€™ll bless the hand that guided,
Iโ€™ll bless the heart that planned,
when throned where glory dwelleth
in Immanuelโ€™s land.

The bride eyes not her garment,
but her dear bridegroomโ€™s face;
I will not gaze at glory
but on my King of grace,
not at the crown He giveth,
but on His pierced hand;
the Lamb is all the glory
of Immanuelโ€™s land.

Iโ€™ve wrestled on towards heaven,
gainst storm and wind and tide;
now like a weary traveller
that leaneth on his guide,
amid the shades of evening,
while sinks lifeโ€™s lingering sand.
I hail the glory, dawning
in Immanuelโ€™s land

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The Sands Of Time Christian Song Lyrics