He That Doth Christian Song Lyrics in English

He that doth in the secret place
of the Most High reside,
under the shade of Him that is
the Almighty shall abide.

I of the Lord my God will say,
He is my refuge still,
He is my fortress and my God,
and in Him trust I will.

Assuredly He shall thee save,
and give deliverance
both from the fowlerโ€Ÿs snare, and from
the noisome pestilence.

His feathers shall thee hide; thy trust
under His wings shall be:
His faithfulness shall be a shield
and buckler unto thee.

Thou shalt not need to be afraid
for terrors of the night;
nor for the arrow that doth fly
by day, while it is light;

Nor for the pestilence, that walks
in darkness secretly;
nor for destruction that doth waste
at noon-day openly.

Because on me He set His love,
deliver him will I;
because my great name he hath known,
I will him set on high.

Heโ€Ÿll call on me, Iโ€Ÿll answer him;
I will be with him still
in trouble, to deliver him,
and honour him I will

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He That Doth Christian Song Lyrics