For Ever With The Lord Christian Song in English

For ever with the Lord!
Amen, so let it be;
life from the dead is in that word,
โ€žThis immortality.
Here in the body pent,
absent from Him I roam,
yet nightly pitch my moving tent,
a dayโ€Ÿs march nearer home.

My Fatherโ€Ÿs house on high,
home of my soul; how near
at times to faithโ€Ÿs foreseeing eye
Thy golden gates appear:
my thirsty spirit faints
to reach the land I love;
the bright inheritance of saints,
Jerusalem above.

For ever with the Lord!
Father, if โ€žThis Thy will,
the promise of that faithful word
eโ€Ÿen here to me fulfil!
Be Thou at my right hand,
then can I never fail;
uphold Thou me so I shall stand,
fight, and I must prevail.

So, when my latest breath
shall rend the veil in twain,
by death I shall escape from death
and life eternal gain.
Knowing as I am known,
how shall I love that word!
And oft repeat before the throne:
For ever with the Lord!

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For Ever With The Lord Christian Song Lyrics