I Come, My God Christian Song Lyrics in English

I come, my God, for cleansing, free
from sin‟s defiling stains,
I see, oh God, I weep to see
the sinfulness corrupting me
which in my heart remains.

I hate my envy and my pride,
my failure and my sin,
to think that all these things could hide
within, where blood had been applied,
and stay concealed therein.

Oh, let me not side-step the cross
in this my crisis hour,
excuse so subtly selfish dross,
and gain my life when death seems loss,
and miss Your path, Your power.

I come, Lord Jesus, hear my cry,
oh cleanse my heart today,
I come to Calvary to die,
and with your death identify,
this is the only way.

I come, I trust, and now I see
the power of Jesus‟ blood;
grace channels in His purity,
and in Him I find liberty
and rest and joy in God.

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I Come, My God Christian Song Lyrics