Saviour, My Sin Stained Soul Christian Song Lyrics

Saviour, my sin-stained soul
longs to be fully whole
and all Thy great salvation see.
Haste I to Calvary’s flow
that washes white as snow,
Thy blood, so freely shed for me.

Long have I vainly tried
to stem back nature’s tide
that, surging up, defiles my days.
Foul, helpless, all undone,
hope in myself is none:
yet bring me forth to sing Thy praise!

Lord, I Thy word believe
that I in Thee shall live
if I but truly die with Thee.
Make Thou me pure in heart,
grant me the better part
secured by Thine own Blood for me.

Henceforth Thy life is mine
and I am wholly Thine,
my members under Thy control;
kept every day and hour,
held by Thy mighty power,
Thine while eternal ages roll

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Saviour, My Sin Stained Soul Christian Song Lyrics