How Lovely Is Christian Song Lyrics Lyrics in English

How lovely is Thy dwelling-place,
O Lord of hosts, to me!
The tabernacles of Thy grace
How pleasant, Lord, they be!

My thirsty soul longs vehemently,
Yea faints, Thy courts to see:
My very heart and flesh cry out,
O living God, for Thee.

Behold, the sparrow findeth out
An house wherein to rest;
the swallow also for herself
hath purchased a nest;

Eโ€Ÿen Thine own altars, where she safe
her young ones forth may bring,
O Thou almighty Lord of hosts,
who art my God and King.

Blest are they in Thy house that dwell,
they ever give Thee praise.
Blest is the man whose strength Thou art,
in whose heart are Thy ways.

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore. Amen

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How Lovely Is Christian Song Lyrics Lyrics