Release Your Miracles Christian Song in English

Verse 1
I know You have been God a long time
So here I am, so here I am
I know You are who You say You are
Youโ€™re all I have, Youโ€™re all I have

Release your miracles
Your never ending power
The answer I am holding to
No one but You
Your love is for us now
and You will be forever
The father I am running to

No one but You
No one but You

Verse 2
You work with impossible things
So here I am, So here I am
Iโ€™ve come too far to turn away now
Youโ€™re all I have, Youโ€™re all I have

Faithful then
Faithful now
Youโ€™re faithful forever
Youโ€™re faithful forever

Faithful then
Faithful now
Youโ€™re faithful forever
Youโ€™re faithful forever

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Release Your Miracles Song Lyrics