Father Always Near Christian Song Lyrics in English

Father, always near,
I wait for You here,
Resting in the love
That vanquishes fear.

I Will Follow

Waiting, not a care,
Silence everywhere,
Yet here in my heart
A still small voice
Bids me to come
And I will follow.

Suffer me to come,
Risen, wounded One,
I’ve found shelter
In Your fathering arms.

Suffer me to hear
Your voice in my ear,
Beckon me
With words that draw me near,
Bid me to come
And I will follow.

I will follow You
Where You want me to.
I will follow You.

May Your Kingdom come,
May Your will be done,
Father in Heaven,
Lift my eyes to the sky.

One day I will see
Heaven’s Royalty,
‘Til the day the trumpet
Rings in my ear.
Bid me to come
And I will follow.

I will follow You
Where You want me to.
I will follow You.
Bid me to come
And I will follow.

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Father Always Near Christian Song Lyrics