Only You Can Shake The Mountains Christian Song Lyrics

Only Youโ€ฆ Can shake the mountains.
Only Youโ€ฆ Can calm the oceans.
Only Youโ€ฆ Can hold the heavens,
In the palm of Your hand.

Tell me whoโ€ฆ Can look inside me.
Tell me who.. Can purify me.
Tell me who.. Still loves me deeply,
More than I understand-
Only Youโ€ฆ

With a word You spoke the heavens into place
Scattered stars and gave the earth its frame
What is man that You should
Touch Him with Your grace?
And who am I oh God,
That You should know my name?

Only Youโ€ฆ Can shake the mountains.
Only Youโ€ฆ Can calm the oceans.
Only Youโ€ฆ Can hold the heavens,
In the palm of Your hand.

Tell me whoโ€ฆ Can look inside me.
Tell me who.. Can purify me.
Tell me who.. Still loves me deeply,
More than I understand-
Only Youโ€ฆ

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Only You Can Shake The Mountains Christian Song Lyrics