God’s Disposition Christian Song in English

When the Ninevites fasted and wore sack and ashes,
God’s heart began to thaw.
He’d angrily proclaimed He’d destroy their city
only a moment before.
Once they had confessed and performed repentant acts,
God’s anger transformed to mercy and tolerance.
God’s disposition shows wrath, mercy, and tolerance
according to man’s repentance and conduct.
All He expresses is pure and direct,
its substance distinct from all in creation.

God’s fierce wrath when faced with people’s evil acts
is a wrath which is not flawed.
His heart is moved in response to men’s repentance—
it brings His change of heart.
When moved to show mercy and tolerance to men,
all God expresses is clean, pure, unblemished.
God’s tolerance is pure tolerance.
God’s mercy is pure mercy.
God’s disposition shows wrath, mercy, and tolerance
according to man’s repentance and conduct.
All He expresses is pure and direct,
its substance distinct from all in creation.

God’s principles behind His actions
are free from any blemishes or flaws,
as are actions He takes and decisions He makes
and every one of His ideas and thoughts.
God’s disposition shows wrath, mercy, and tolerance
according to man’s repentance and conduct.
All He expresses is pure and direct,
its substance distinct from all in creation.

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God’s Disposition Song Lyrics