This Thirsting Within My Soul Christian Song Lyrics


This thirsting within my soul
Won’t cease til I’ve been made whole
To know you to walk with you
To please you in all I do
You uphold the righteous and your faithfulness shall endure

Adonai Master of the earth and sky
You alone are worthy Adonai
Adonai let creation testify
Let your majesty be magnified in me
Adonai you are an endless mystery

Unchanging consuming fire
Lift me up from mud and mire
Set my feet upon your rock let me dwell in your righteousness

When the storms surround me speak the word and they will be still
And this thirst and hunger is a longing only you can fill

Song 56

So many voices telling me which way to go
So many choices come from those who think they know
There s a way that seems right to a man
But it only brings him death
I wanna go the way that leads to life
Till I draw my dying breath

Don’t wanna be a manpleaser – I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just want to have the wisdom to discern the two apart
Don’t wanna be a manpleaser – I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just want to do the things that please the Father s heart

Some make a sacrifice and never let it show
Some make a point of letting everybody know
Some will live their lives as unto men
And they have their reward
I just wanna do everything I do
With all my heart unto the Lord

I just want my life to glorify His Son
To make my Father proud that I m His child before I m done
No need to pat me on the back or stop the shake my hand
I just want to hear my Father say Well done well done
I just want to hear my Father say Well done

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This Thirsting Within My Soul Christian Song Lyrics