1. The home where changes never come
Nor pain nor sorrow toil nor care
Yes is a bright and blessed home
Who would not fain be resting there

O wait meekly wait and murmur not
O wait meekly wait and murmur not
O wait O wait
O wait and murmur not

2. Yet when bow d down beneath the load
By heav n allow d thine earthly lot
Thou yearnst to reach that blest abode
Wait meekly wait and murmur not

3. If in thy path some thorns are found
O think who bore them on his brow
If grief thy sorrowing heart has found
It reached a holier than thou

4. Toil on nor deem tho sore it be
One sigh unheard one prayer forgot
The day of rest will dawn for thee
Wait meekly wait and murmur not

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The Home Where Changes Christian Song Lyrics