1. The whole world was lost
in the darkness of sin
The Light of the world is Jesus
Like sunshine at noonday
His glory shone in
The Light of the world is Jesus

Come to the light
tis shining for thee
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me
Once I was blind but now I can see
The Light of the world is Jesus

2. No darkness have we who
in Jesus abide
The Light of the world is Jesus
We walk in the light when
we follow our Guide
The Light of the world is Jesus

3. Ye dwellers in darkness
with sin blinded eyes
The Light of the world is Jesus
Go wash at His bidding
and light will arise
The Light of the world is Jesus

4. No need of the sunlight
in Heaven Weโ€™re told
The Light of the world is Jesus
The Lamb is the Light in the city of gold
The Light of the world is Jesus

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The Whole World Was Lost Christian Song Lyrics