Jeswin Samuel


Born In : India
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Pastor Jeswin is blessed to be born in a Christian family. His parents are in full time ministry. His father is a pastor and he runs his own church. Since He grew up in a Christian home he always knew about the Lord but he did not experience a personal relationship with Him.
His parents always reminded him that they dedicated him to do Godโ€™s work but he desired nothing of this. Seeing the financial challenges his parents faced being in the ministry, drew him further away from doing ministry.

At very young age he had a deep desire in photography and media and this is what he decided to pursue. Pastor Jeswin left his little home town in Coonoor, India and went to Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu to pursue a bachelorโ€™s degree in Visual Communication. While at college he was addicted to drinking and smoking. These addictions took over his life to an extent where he could no longer turn to God. But God in His divine mercies did not forget him. He was selected as the official photographer for the college and had the responsibility to photograph different events that the college hosted. On one such occasion, He was asked to take photographs of a Christian concert that took place. The guest speaker called out to the crowd and said โ€œThere is someone who is standing here who is taken over by alcohol and smoking and you have decided not to turn to God, God is calling you to come and give your life to himโ€. These words pierced him deep down but he was too embarrassed to take the altar call. But when he went back to his room that day, he had his first encounter with God. He sobbed and wept like he have never done before and cried out to God for forgiveness. After that his habits slowly started changing and before no time, He could no longer go back to his sinful ways. He learnt to meditate on Godโ€™s word and spend time in prayer. During his personal prayer and worship he was able to write many songs through which he expressed his love to Jesus. Later he was able to put these songs together in a CD by the name โ€œYesuvukaagaโ€ meaning, โ€œFor Jesusโ€. Then he went on to pursue a degree in theology in England to be better equipped to serve God. Now Pastor Jeswin Samuel is being used by God to lead people in worship and word in different parts of the world.